14 October 2007

Boxelders Invade Cardston

Beware, boxelder bugs may have a huge population explosion this fall. Turns out boxelder bugs operate on a ten year cycle. Between years seven and ten, the bugs tend to be the most reproductively active. What year are we in? Year eight. Boxelder bugs seek shelter in protected places. Typical shelter areas include cracks or crevices in walls, doors, under windows and around foundations. Here are some tips if boxelder bugs sneak into your dwellings:

* Caulk or seal all cracks and spaces found in your foundation, siding, windows, doors and other entry points
* Exterior insecticide treatments (chlorpyrifos, diazinon, permethrin)
* Soap mixtures
* Call pest control services
* Vacuum up boxelder bugs

Lastly, remember boxelder bugs are not able to survive more than a few days indoors and are essentially harmless.

Election Results

The 2007 Municipal Election are in and we have a new Mayor, Mr. Rick Schow who won by a large majority. Other changes to Cardston Town Council are Dr. Russell, Dave Smith and Tim Court as well as the loss of Dianne Oertli, a long time council women. Cal Salmon will return as School Board Trustee with new trustee Lori Brooks. Congratulations to all those that won and a thank you for those that ran.
